Baltimore Real Estate Investing Blog

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Happy New Year

January 1st, 2008 · No Comments Yet

This is the time of year many of us make “New Years Resolutions.”  Unfortunately those resolutions are quickly forgotten by most people. The problem is most people quickly decide a few things they want to change in their life without taking the extra steps to make a plan on how they will keep those resolutions.

I admit it. I did not achieve all of my goals last year. So now I am taking the time to review last year and make new goals and plans for the coming year. I am spending more time on this process than I ever have before. The problem was poor execution. I knew what to do, I simply didn’t get enough of it done. My solution for the coming year:

  1. A clearer plan on the specific activities to reach my goals
  2. Better productivity habits
  3. Better use of other people and resources to reach my goals.

What are your plans for the year? Do you have one yet? January is a great time to reassess and plan for the coming year. Use this time wisely.

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